.. _config_tor: Internal Tor configuration for the scanner ------------------------------------------ The scanner needs an specific Tor configuration. The following options are either set when launching Tor or required when connection to an existing Tor daemon. Default configuration: - ``SocksPort auto``: To proxy requests over Tor. - ``CookieAuthentication 1``: The easiest way to authenticate to Tor. - ``UseEntryGuards 0``: To avoid path bias warnings. - ``UseMicrodescriptors 0``: Because full server descriptors are needed. - ``SafeLogging 0``: Useful for logging, since there's no need for anonymity. - ``LogTimeGranularity 1`` - ``ProtocolWarnings 1`` - ``LearnCircuitBuildTimeout 0``: To keep circuit build timeouts static. Configuration that depends on the user configuration file: - ``CircuitBuildTimeout ...``: The timeout trying to build a circuit. - ``DataDirectory ...``: The Tor data directory path. - ``PidFile ...``: The Tor PID file path. - ``ControlSocket ...``: The Tor control socket path. - ``Log notice ...``: The Tor log level and path. Configuration that needs to be set on runtime: - ``__DisablePredictedCircuits 1``: To build custom circuits. - ``__LeaveStreamsUnattached 1`` Currently most of the code that sets this configuration is in :func:`sbws.util.stem.launch_tor` and the default configuration is ``sbws/globals.py``. .. note:: the location of these code is being refactored.