.. _deploy: Deploying Simple Bandwidth Scanner ===================================== To run sbws is needed: - A machine to run the :term:`scanner`. - One or more :term:`destination` (s) that serve a large file. Both the ``scanner`` and your the ``destination`` (s) should be on fast, well connected machines. .. _destinations_requirements: destination requirements ------------------------------------ - A Web server installed and running that supports HTTP GET, HEAD and Range (:rfc:`7233`) requests. ``Apache`` HTTP Server and ``Nginx`` support them. - TLS support to avoid HTTP content caches at the various exit nodes. - Certificates can be self-signed. - A large file; at the time of writing, at least 1 GiB in size It can be created running:: head -c $((1024*1024*1024)) /dev/urandom > 1GiB - A fixed IP address or a domain name. - Bandwidth: at least 12.5MB/s (100 Mbit/s). - Network traffic: around 12-15GB/day. scanner setup ---------------------- Install sbws according to ``_ (in the local directory or GitHub) or ``_ (local build or Read the Docs). To run the ``scanner`` it is mandatory to create a configuration file with at least one ``destination``. It is recommended to set several ``destination``s so that the ``scanner`` can continue if one fails. If ``sbws`` is installed from the Debian package, then create a file in ``/etc/sbws/sbws.ini`` like in the following example: .. literalinclude:: /examples/sbws.example.ini :caption: Example sbws.example.ini If ``sbws`` is installed from the sources as a non-root user then create the file in ``~/.sbws.ini``. More details about the configuration file can be found in ``./docs/source/man_sbws.ini.rst`` (in the local directory or GitHub) or ``_ (local build or Read the Docs) or ``man sbws.ini`` (system package). See also ``./docs/source/man_sbws.rst`` (in the local directory or GitHub) or ``_ (local build or Read the Docs) or ``man sbws`` (system package).