Torflow aggregation and scaling

Torflow aggregation or scaling goal is:

From Torflow’s README.spec.txt (section 2.2):

In this way, the resulting network status consensus bandwidth values
are effectively re-weighted proportional to how much faster the node
was as compared to the rest of the network.


Constants in consensus that Torflow uses and don’t change:

bandwidth-weights Wbd=0 Wbe=0 [] Wbm=10000 Wdb=10000 Web=10000 Wed=10000 Wee=10000 Weg=10000 Wem=10000 Wgb=10000 Wgd=0 Wgg=5852 [] Wmb=10000 Wmd=0 Wme=0 [] Wmm=10000

params [] bwauthpid=1

Constants in the code:

GUARD_SAMPLE_RATE = 2*7*24*60*60 # 2wks

K_p = 1.0
T_i = 0
T_i_decay = 0
T_d = 0

Initialization ConsensusJunk:

self.bwauth_pid_control = True
self.group_by_class = False
self.use_pid_tgt = False
self.use_circ_fails = False
self.use_best_ratio = True
self.use_desc_bw = True
self.use_mercy = False
self.guard_sample_rate = GUARD_SAMPLE_RATE
self.pid_max = 500.0
self.K_p = K_p = 1.0
self.T_i = T_i = 0
self.T_d = T_d = 0
self.T_i_decay = T_i_decay = 0

self.K_i = 0
self.K_d = self.K_p*self.T_d = 0

Initialization Node:

self.sbw_ratio = None
self.fbw_ratio = None
self.pid_bw = 0
self.pid_error = 0
self.prev_error = 0
self.pid_error_sum = 0
self.pid_delta = 0
self.ratio = None
self.new_bw = None
self.use_bw = -1
self.flags = ""

# measurement vars from bwauth lines
self.measured_at = 0
self.strm_bw = 0
self.filt_bw = 0
self.ns_bw = 0
self.desc_bw = 0
self.circ_fail_rate = 0
self.strm_fail_rate = 0
self.updated_at = 0

Descriptor values for each relay

From code, it is the minimum of all the descriptor bandwidth values:

bws = map(int, g)
bw_observed = min(bws)


return Router(ns.idhex, ns.nickname, bw_observed, dead, exitpolicy,
ns.flags, ip, version, os, uptime, published, contact, rate_limited,
ns.orhash, ns.bandwidth, extra_info_digest, ns.unmeasured)

ns.bandwidth is the consensus bandwidth, already multiplied by 1000:

yield NetworkStatus(*(m.groups()+(flags,)+(int(*1000,))+(unmeasured,))

Because of the matched regular expression, bws is not all the descriptor bandwidth values, but the average bandwidth and the observed bandwidth, ie., it does not take the average burst, what seems to be a bug in Torflow.

Eg. bandwidth line in a descriptor:

bandwidth 1536000 4096000 1728471

Only takes the first and last values, so:

bw_observed = min(bandwidth-avg, bandwidth-observed)

This is passed to Router, in which the descriptors bandwidth is assigned to the consensus bandwidth when there is no consensus bandwidth:

(idhex, name, bw, down, exitpolicy, flags, ip, version, os, uptime,
   published, contact, rate_limited, orhash,
   ns_bandwidth,extra_info_digest,unmeasured) = args


if ns_bandwidth != None: = max(ns_bandwidth,1) # Avoid div by 0
else: = max(bw,1) # Avoid div by 0


self.desc_bw = max(bw,1) # Avoid div by 0

So: = ns_bwandwidth or min(bandwidth-avg, bandwidth-observed) or 1
desc_bw = min(bandwidth-avg, bandwidth-observed) or 1

And written by as descriptor and conensus bandwidth:

f.write(" desc_bw="+str(int(cvt(s.avg_desc_bw,0))))
f.write(" ns_bw="+str(int(cvt(s.avg_bw,0)))+"\n")

Descriptor bandwidth with PID control

Even though README.spec.txt talks about the consensus bandwidth, in code, the consensus bandwidth is never used, since use_desc_bw is initialized to True and never changed:

if cs_junk.bwauth_pid_control:
  if cs_junk.use_desc_bw:
    n.use_bw = n.desc_bw
    n.use_bw = n.ns_bw


n.use_bw = n.desc_bw = min(bandwidth-avg, bandwidth-observed) or 1

Scaling the raw measurements

Stream and filtered bandwidth for each relay

They are calculated in the same way whether or not PID controller feedback is used.

From Torflow’s README.spec.txt (section 1.6):

The strm_bw field is the average (mean) of all the streams for the relay
identified by the fingerprint field.

The filt_bw field is computed similarly, but only the streams equal to
or greater than the strm_bw are counted in order to filter very slow
streams due to slow node pairings.

In the code,, strm_bw is sbw and filt_bw is filt_sbws:

  for s in rs.router.streams:
    if isinstance(s, ClosedStream):
      tot_bytes += s.tot_bytes()
      tot_duration += s.end_time - s.start_time
      tot_bw += s.bandwidth()
      s_cnt += 1
  # FIXME: Hrmm.. do we want to do weighted avg or pure avg here?
  # If files are all the same size, it shouldn't matter..
  if s_cnt > 0:
    rs.sbw = tot_bw/s_cnt
  else: rs.sbw = None

for rs in RouterStats.query.filter(stats_clause).\
  tot_sbw = 0
  sbw_cnt = 0
  for s in rs.router.streams:
    if isinstance(s, ClosedStream):
      skip = False
      #for br in badrouters:
      #  if br != rs:
      #    if br.router in s.circuit.routers:
      #      skip = True
      if not skip:
        # Throw out outliers < mean
        # (too much variance for stddev to filter much)
        if rs.strm_closed == 1 or s.bandwidth() >= rs.sbw:
          tot_sbw += s.bandwidth()
          sbw_cnt += 1

if sbw_cnt: rs.filt_sbw = tot_sbw/sbw_cnt
else: rs.filt_sbw = None

When it is written to the file, it seem to write “None” string when filt_sbw or strm_bw are None. That would give an exception when calculating the network average. So it never happen?:

def cvt(a,b,c=1):
  if type(a) == float: return int(round(a/c,b))
  elif type(a) == int: return a
  elif type(a) == type(None): return "None"
  else: return type(a)

f.write(" strm_bw="+str(cvt(s.sbw,0)))
f.write(" filt_bw="+str(cvt(s.filt_sbw,0)))

This is also expressed in pseudocode in the bandwidth file spec, section B.4 step 1.

Calling bwstrm_i to strm_bw and bwfilt_i to filt_bw, if bw_j is a measurement for a relay i, then::

bwstrm_i = mean(bw_j)  # for a relay, the average of all its measurements
bwfilt_i = mean(max(bwstrm_i, bw_j))

Stream and filtered bandwidth for all relays

From README.spec.txt (section 2.1):

Once we have determined the most recent measurements for each node, we
compute an average of the filt_bw fields over all nodes we have measured.

In Torflow’s code:

for cl in ["Guard+Exit", "Guard", "Exit", "Middle"]:
  c_nodes = filter(lambda n: n.node_class() == cl, nodes.itervalues())
  if len(c_nodes) > 0:
    true_filt_avg[cl] = sum(map(lambda n: n.filt_bw, c_nodes))/float(len(c_nodes))
    true_strm_avg[cl] = sum(map(lambda n: n.strm_bw, c_nodes))/float(len(c_nodes))
    true_circ_avg[cl] = sum(map(lambda n: (1.0-n.circ_fail_rate),

The following code seems to be used only to log:

filt_avg = sum(map(lambda n: n.filt_bw, nodes.itervalues()))/float(len(nodes))
strm_avg = sum(map(lambda n: n.strm_bw, nodes.itervalues()))/float(len(nodes))

So it seems the filt_avg and strm_avg are calculated by class in both the cases with PID control and without PID control.

Calling bwstrm to strm_avg and bwfilt to fitl_avg, without taking into account the different types of nodes:

bwstrm = mean(bwstrm_i)
bwfilt = mean(bwfilt_i)

This is also expressed in pseudocode in the bandwidth file spec, section B.4 step 2.

Ratio for each relay

From README.spec.txt (section 2.2):

These averages are used to produce ratios for each node by dividing the
measured value for that node by the network average.

In Torflow’s code:

for n in nodes.itervalues():
    n.fbw_ratio = n.filt_bw/true_filt_avg[n.node_class()]
    n.sbw_ratio = n.strm_bw/true_strm_avg[n.node_class()]


# Choose the larger between sbw and fbw
  if n.sbw_ratio > n.fbw_ratio:
    n.ratio = n.sbw_ratio
    n.ratio = n.fbw_ratio


n.ratio = max(sbw_ratio, n.fbw_ratio)

This is also expressed in pseudocode in the bandwidth file spec, section B.4 step 2 and 3.

Scaled bandwidth for each relay without PID control

From README.spec.txt (section 2.2):

These ratios are then multiplied by the most recent observed descriptor
bandwidth we have available for each node, to produce a new value for
the network status consensus process.

In code:

n.new_bw = n.desc_bw*n.ratio


n.new_bw = (
    min(bandwidth-avg, bandwidth-observed) or 1 \
    * max(bwstrm_i / bwstrm, bwfilt_i / bwfilt_i)

This is also expressed in pseudocode in the bandwidth file spec, section B.4 step 5.

Scaled bandwidth for each relay with PID control

From README.spec.txt section 3.1:

The bandwidth authorities measure F_node: the filtered stream
capacity through a given node (filtering is described in Section 1.6).


pid_error = e(t) = (F_node - F_avg)/F_avg.


new_consensus_bw = old_consensus_bw +
                     old_consensus_bw * K_p * e(t) +
                     old_consensus_bw * K_i * \integral{e(t)} +
                     old_consensus_bw * K_d * \derivative{e(t)}


For the case where K_p = 1, K_i=0, and K_d=0, it can be seen that this
system is equivalent to the one defined in 2.2, except using consensus
bandwidth instead of descriptor bandwidth:

    new_bw = old_bw + old_bw*e(t)
    new_bw = old_bw + old_bw*(F_node/F_avg - 1)
    new_bw = old_bw*F_node/F_avg
    new_bw = old_bw*ratio

In Torflow’s code, this is actually the case and most of the code is not executed because the default K values.

It seems then that F_node is filt_bw in Torflow’s code or bwfilt_i here, and F_avg is filt_avg in Torflow’s code or bwfilt here.

In code, pid error also depends on which of the ratios is greater:

if cs_junk.use_best_ratio and n.sbw_ratio > n.fbw_ratio:
        n.pid_error = (n.strm_bw - true_strm_avg[n.node_class()]) \
                        / true_strm_avg[n.node_class()]
        n.pid_error = (n.filt_bw - true_filt_avg[n.node_class()]) \
                        / true_filt_avg[n.node_class()]


n.new_bw = n.use_bw + cs_junk.K_p*n.use_bw*n.pid_error


if (bwstrm_i / bwstrm) > (bwfilt_i / bwfilt):
    pid_error = (bwstrm_i - bwstrm) / bwstrm = (bwstrm_i / bwstrm) - 1
    pid_error = (bwfilt_i - bwfilt_i) / bwfilt = (bwfilt_i / bwfilt) - 1

new_bw = use_bw + use_bw * pid_error


if (bwstrm_i / bwstrm) > (bwfilt_i / bwfilt):
    new_bw = use_bw + use_bw * ((bwstrm_i / bwstrm) - 1)
    new_bw = use_bw + use_bw * (bwstrm_i / bwstrm) - use_bw
    new_bw = use_bw * (bwstrm_i / bwstrm)
    new_bw = use_bw + use_bw * ((bwfilt_i / bwfilt) - 1)
    new_bw = use_bw + use_bw * (bwfilt_i / bwfilt) - use_bw
    new_bw = use_bw * (bwfilt_i / bwfilt)


new_bw = use_bw * max(bwstrm_i / bwstrm, bwfilt_i / bwfilt)
new_bw = (
    min(bandwidth-avg, bandwidth-observed) or 1
    * max(bwstrm_i / bwstrm, bwfilt_i / bwfilt)


So, the new scaled bandwidth is the same for both cases with and without PID controller!

Other pid KeyValues in the Bandwidth File


From the Overview it seems that the only variable needed to calculate the new scaled bandwidth is the pid_error, and from Descriptor bandwidth with PID control, it can be substituted by the stream and filtered bandwidths.

This are the variables that can then be ignored:


Limit scaled bandwidth for each relay

It’s calculated the same with and without PID control

Once each relay bandwidth is scaled, it is limited to a maximum, that is calculated as the sum of all the relays in the current consensus scaled bandwidth per 0.05.

From code:

NODE_CAP = 0.05


if n.idhex in prev_consensus:
  if prev_consensus[n.idhex].bandwidth != None:
    prev_consensus[n.idhex].measured = True
    tot_net_bw += n.new_bw


if n.new_bw > tot_net_bw*NODE_CAP:
  n.new_bw = int(tot_net_bw*NODE_CAP)

Round the scaled bandwidth for each relay

Finally, the new scaled bandwidth is expressed in kilobytes and rounded a number of digits.