Source code for sbws.core.cleanup

"""Util functions to cleanup disk space."""
import types

from sbws.util.filelock import DirectoryLock
from sbws.globals import fail_hard
from sbws.util.timestamp import unixts_to_dt_obj
from argparse import ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
import os
import gzip
import shutil
import logging
import time

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def gen_parser(sub): ''' Helper function for the broader argument parser generating code that adds in all the possible command line arguments for the cleanup command. :param argparse._SubParsersAction sub: what to add a sub-parser to ''' d = 'Compress and delete results and/or v3bw files old files.' \ 'Configuration options are read to determine which are old files' p = sub.add_parser('cleanup', description=d, formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) p.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', help='Don\'t actually compress or delete anything') p.add_argument('--no-results', action='store_true', help='Do not clean results files') p.add_argument('--no-v3bw', action='store_true', help='Do not clean v3bw files')
def _get_files_mtime_older_than(dname, days_delta, extensions): """Return files which modification time is older than days_delta and which extension is one of the extensions.""" assert os.path.isdir(dname) assert isinstance(days_delta, int) assert isinstance(extensions, list) for ext in extensions: assert isinstance(ext, str) assert ext[0] == '.' # Determine oldest allowed date today = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()) oldest_day = today - timedelta(days=days_delta) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dname): for f in files: fname = os.path.join(root, f) _, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) if ext not in extensions: log.debug('Ignoring %s because its extension is not in ' '%s', fname, extensions) continue # using file modification time instead of parsing the name # of the file. filedt = unixts_to_dt_obj( os.stat(fname, follow_symlinks=False).st_mtime) if filedt < oldest_day: yield fname def _delete_files(dname, files, dry_run=True): """Delete the files passed as argument.""" assert os.path.isdir(dname) assert isinstance(files, types.GeneratorType) with DirectoryLock(dname): for fname in files:'Deleting %s', fname) assert os.path.commonprefix([dname, fname]) == dname if not dry_run: os.remove(fname) def _compress_files(dname, files, dry_run=True): """Compress the files passed as argument.""" assert os.path.isdir(dname) assert isinstance(files, types.GeneratorType) with DirectoryLock(dname): for fname in files:'Compressing %s', fname) assert os.path.commonprefix([dname, fname]) == dname if dry_run: continue with open(fname, 'rt') as in_fd: out_fname = fname + '.gz' with, 'wt') as out_fd: shutil.copyfileobj(in_fd, out_fd) os.remove(fname) def _check_validity_periods_v3bw(compress_after_days, delete_after_days): if 1 <= compress_after_days and compress_after_days < delete_after_days: return True fail_hard("v3bw files should only be compressed after 1 day and deleted " "after a bigger number of days.") def _clean_v3bw_files(args, conf): v3bw_dname = conf.getpath('paths', 'v3bw_dname') if not os.path.isdir(v3bw_dname): fail_hard('%s does not exist', v3bw_dname) compress_after_days = conf.getint('cleanup', 'v3bw_files_compress_after_days') delete_after_days = conf.getint('cleanup', 'v3bw_files_delete_after_days') _check_validity_periods_v3bw(compress_after_days, delete_after_days) # first delete so that the files to be deleted are not compressed first files_to_delete = _get_files_mtime_older_than(v3bw_dname, delete_after_days, ['.v3bw', '.gz']) _delete_files(v3bw_dname, files_to_delete, dry_run=args.dry_run) files_to_compress = _get_files_mtime_older_than(v3bw_dname, compress_after_days, ['.v3bw']) # when dry_run is true, compress will also show all the files that # would have been deleted, since they are not really deleted _compress_files(v3bw_dname, files_to_compress, dry_run=args.dry_run) def _clean_result_files(args, conf): datadir = conf.getpath('paths', 'datadir') if not os.path.isdir(datadir): fail_hard('%s does not exist', datadir) compress_after_days = conf.getint( 'cleanup', 'data_files_compress_after_days') delete_after_days = conf.getint( 'cleanup', 'data_files_delete_after_days') # first delete so that the files to be deleted are not compressed first files_to_delete = _get_files_mtime_older_than( datadir, delete_after_days, ['.txt', '.gz']) _delete_files(datadir, files_to_delete, dry_run=args.dry_run) # when dry_run is true, compress will also show all the files that # would have been deleted, since they are not really deleted files_to_compress = _get_files_mtime_older_than( datadir, compress_after_days, ['.txt']) _compress_files(datadir, files_to_compress, dry_run=args.dry_run)
[docs]def main(args, conf): ''' Main entry point in to the cleanup command. :param argparse.Namespace args: command line arguments :param configparser.ConfigParser conf: parsed config files ''' if not args.no_results: _clean_result_files(args, conf) if not args.no_v3bw: _clean_v3bw_files(args, conf)